外觀上看就是將3個閥封裝在一個閥體中,但是均為獨立閥門,從功能上來說可以實現兩端階段和中部泄放功能。但制造閥門需要有依據,就是制造標準,我們常說的管道球閥遵循API 6D,那這種方式符合API 6D的要求嗎?
DBB閥在API 6D中的解釋
首先看API 6D的適用情況
This specification defines the requirements for the design, manufacturing, assembly, testing, and documentation of ball, check, gate, and plug valves for application in pipeline and piping systems for the petroleum and natural gas industries.
首先API 6D中規定只適用于4種閥門形式包括球閥、止回閥、閘閥、旋塞閥。使用針閥的儀表閥不符合API 6D的標準。
下面看一下API 6D中關于DBB的條文解釋
DBB double block and bleed valve 雙截斷和排放
Single valve with two seating surfaces that, in the closed position, provides a seal against pressure from both ends of the valve with a means of venting/bleeding the cavity between the seating surfaces.
DIB double isolation and bleed valve 雙隔離和泄放
Single valve with two seating surfaces, each of which, in the closed position, provides a seal against pressure from a single source, with a means of venting/bleeding the cavity between the seating surfaces.
以上可以看出API 6D規定的DBB閥為單閥DBB,就是說由一個閥門完成DBB功能。字面上說雙聯裝DBB功能閥門不符合API 6D標準。
但在API 6D 2014版信息性附錄K中增加了DBB和DIB閥門組裝形式的說明,這就比較困惑了,直接蒙圈。但是管道球閥DBB都是使用單閥結構。要實現單閥DBB功能必須是固定閥,浮動閥座。
K.3 Double Block and Bleed (DBB)
The DBB feature of the valve or valves is the ability to segregate two pressure sources and to bleed/vent pressure in the void between the two sealing elements (blocks). The bleed may be in the pipework/pipeline when two valves are used, or in the valve body between the two seats when the valve has the DBB feature.
K.3 雙截斷和排放(DBB)
閥門的雙截斷和排放DBB特點是能將兩個壓力源隔離并且在兩個密封件( 截斷)之間的空隙處排放壓力(或通氣)。排放可以是在使用兩個閥門的管道l管線位置,或在閥門具有DBB特性的兩個閥座之間的閥體處。
K.4 Double Isolation and Bleed (DIB)
The DIB feature of the valve or valves is the ability to provide two sealing elements to a single pressure source, and to bleed/vent between the two sealing elements. Note that some documents dealing with isolation of equipment may refer to this feature as double block and bleed.
K.4 雙隔離和排放( DIB )
2008版以后的API 6D中關于DBB有兩種形式DBB和DIB。